There are more adventures on a chessboard than on all the seas of the world.
Pierre Mac Orlan


The museum shop offers many opportunities with the unique souvenirs you can buy for your loved ones with which you can transform your unforgettable hours you spend in the activities you attended, in the museum and in Chaturanga Cafe.

The rich product range from distinguished chess theme design products to home and Office objects, from souvenirs to books about chess, from chess sets to products for children are all waiting for you at the Museum Shop.

Replicas of the chess sets exhibited in museum and objects prepared in various themes provide opportunities to visitors to share their memories with their loved ones. Trainer, fun and creative products; painting sets, aprons and puzzles introduce chess to children and make them love it.


More information about Ankara’s Strategic Presentation: Ankara-Themed Chess Set Project that is supported by Ankara Development Agency.

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